Founded in 1973, possesses many years of technical, commercial, and logistical experience.
Europe-wide leading manufacturer of sophisticated metal vendor parts for equally sophisticated top processing manufacturers, especially in the furniture industry.

Morex is characterized by:

- State-of-the-art mechanical technologies :
- Up-to-date electroplating for gloss, matte, and black chrome.
- Modern wastewater treatment plant.
- Current environmental protection implementation.
- Robot welding.
- Primarily long-standing and thus reliable staff with great experience.
- Company-internal technical development together with autonomous tool construction.

Morex produces:

- Solely exclusive metal structures for equally exclusive customers.
- Examples: for chairs, armchairs, upholstered furniture, small and large tables, shelves, and many other components.

Morex is:

in the northeastern part of Italy, approx. 70km northwest of Venice, Veneto region.